Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Additional Abilities for Thieves and their Ilk

Additional abilities for Burglars, Thieves, Rogues, Assassins, Thugs, and Waghalters.

Skim off the Top

Members of the underworld can't keep their hands off loot.  Characters of the burglar class automatically get %1 per level of coin and non-precious stones loot collected by the party before any shares or divisions are calculated.  This represents their penchant for being the first with their hands in the sack, lifting of small amounts of coins during sorting, and intentional miscalculations during the actual division of shares ("one for you, two for me").

Burglars gain experience points for any of the above skimming activities as they would for any other treasure.

Hidden knife

When searched or apprehended a burglar can keep a small knife secreted on their person, unless completely disrobed or magical means of detection are used.

No honor among thieves

Burglars are paranoid. By secreting treasures away in remote or hidden locations known to no others, they can gain the benefit of experience points without a return to civilization. This can be a chest buried underground or even a sack in an old dead tree, but it must be a secret known only to the burglar. If the treasure is stolen, any experience points garnered are immediately lost.

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