Friday, March 30, 2012

The Cleric - The Tactical Simulation Ruleset Way


  • Required Attributes:  None
  • Alignment Requirement: Only at 5th level of higher (See Alignment) 
  • Initial Armor Proficiency: Any
  • Allowed Weapons: club, flail, hammer, mace, oil, staff
  • Melee Attack Bonus: 1/2 Level
  • Ranged Attack Bonus: 1/3 Level
  • Thrown Attack Bonus: 1/3 Level
  • Defenses: Normal
  • Saving Throws: +3 vs Death Magic
  • Initial Hit Point Roll: D8
  • Initial Combat Proficiencies:  2
  • Class Skills:    Religion, First aid, and choice of Education or Diplomacy
  • Hit Points Gained: Levels 2-10: d8
  • Levels 11+: 2
  • Combat Proficiencies Gained: Levels 4,8,12,16,20
  • Attacks: 1
  • Class Abilities: Turn Undead, Create Scrolls, Resistance to Negative Energy, Rituals, Spell Casting, Stronghold Creation: Temple

Turn Undead: Three times per day, a cleric can attempt to Turn Undead.  They may also sacrifice an unused spell to make an additional attempt.  See Chapter XX: Combat for details on Turning Undead.

Create Scrolls: Upon reaching 4th level, the Cleric can create scrolls.  The process requires proficiency in the spell to be scribes, 100 gp pieces of materials (quills, vellum or parchment, or handcraft inks) per level of spell, as well as a full day for each level of spell.

Resistance to Negative Energy: Clerics get +3 to saving throws versus Death Magic and other negative energy attacks due to their link with the higher and lower planes.
Rituals: Clerics can learn and perform Rituals, as described in Chapter XX: Magic.

Spell Casting: Clerics are trained in the casting magic spells, the methods and restrictions of which are described in Chapter XX: Magic. Clerics gain bonus spells for wisdom scores.

Stronghold Creation: Temple:  At 9th level or higher, a cleric may establish a fortified religious structure, containing temple, church, or monastery, on land donated by a potentate allied with the cleric’s religious order.  At least 2500 square feet must be devoted to furthering the order’s aims.  While the land clearing and fortification must be funded as normal, religious aid and donations will compensate for the costs of the religious facilities.  Provided he keeps the surrounding area cleared, in order and peace, the cleric will receive 5 silver from each inhabitant per month as tithe from the fief’s tribute.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Dwarvish Fungal Ale

Item: Dwarvish Fungal Ale

This special dwarvish brew is both invigorating and intoxicating. The fungal additives that add a special taste can restore vigor to the drinker but also increase the effects of the alcohol in the beverage. A single serving will restore 0-3 HP (d4-1). Depending on the drinker's physiology, multiple services can induce drunkenness to the point of delirium:

Dwarves: Two servings in 8 hours, drunkenness. Three servings in 24 hours, incapicitation.
Elves: Two servings in 24 hours, drunkenness. Three servings in 12 hours, incapicitation.
Other races: Two servings in 12 hours, drunkenness. Three servings in 24 hours, incapicitation.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Combat Order and Initiative

Here's the current version of my initiative rules, largely inspired by AD&D and discussions thereof.

Combat Order and Initiative

  1. Determine Distance, if unknown, between the parties.
  2. Each side declares actions.
  3. Determine Initiative for the round by rolling a d6 for each side.
  4. Actions begin:
    1. Movement (charges, closing, attempts to flee) begins
    2. Attempts to Parley
    3. Winners: Missiles, Magical Devices, and Casting Time 1 Spells Discharge
    4. Losers: Missiles, Magical Devices and Casting Time 1 Spells Discharge
    5. Charges and closing actions complete – resolve charge attacks in the order of longest weapon
    6. Fighters with multiple attacks resolve their initial melee and hard combat attacks.
    7. Winners: Melee and hand attacks occurs
    8. Losers: Melee and hand attacks occurs
    9. Grapples and unarmed combat occurs.
    10. Remaining missile and melee attacks (for those with multiple attacks) occur.
  5. Morale is checked.
  6. Return to Step #2.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bless - Revised

Being an excerpt from Supplement U: Investigations in Uod, and suitable for add fine adventure games.

Bless (Invocation)

Level: 1
Range: 6"
Duration: 6 turns
Area of Effect: 5" radius
Components: V, S, M (vial of holy water)
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: Upon invoking the blessing, all within the target radius are bless, gaining a +1 morale checks. In addition, the casters chooses one of three forms at the time of casting:

1. Blessing of Benificance - grants a +4 to all saving throws for the duration of the spell
2. Blessing of Wrath - grants +2 to hit and damage to all hand-to-hand attacks for the duration of the spell
3. Blessing of Fortitude - grants a +2 to armor class and defences for the duration of the spell